Tampa and Hillsborough County Real Estate and Home Market Statistics

October 2024 Tampa and Hillsborough County Real Estate Market Statistics

The 2 Minute
Market Update

Prefer the quick take instead of the entire in depth analysis?  

Watch my 2 minute market update to get rapidly up to speed on where there market is at!

Then if you want to dive further into how this impacts you, watch my full video below!

Tampa and Hillsborough County Home Market Analysis

My monthly deep dive in to the current state of the Tampa Real Estate Market as well as context about what these numbers mean and how they compare to previous years.

I also explain potential shifts in the market and home prices, impacts that changes in interest rates and inventory could have, and try and identify any opportunities you would be able to take advantage of.

There are a lot of variables when it comes to the real estate market, so this in depth video is a GREAT way to learn what the pros, cons, and potential pitfalls of the real estate market currently are.


The Full Report

Download our full 12+ page Tampa and Hillsborough County Home Market Statistics Report!



Where do these numbers come from?

We compile these reports at the end of each month so that you have the most up to date information.

What are you comparing?

We typically want to compare Year to Year.  For example December 2023 vs December 2022.  We do this because month to month changes depending on season, school starting, etc.

When will housing prices drop / increase?

If we knew we'd be the world's first trillionaires!  However just because we aren't fortune tellers doesn't mean knowing what the market is doing is worthless.  Far from it!

Having the most recent data helps inform both immediate decisions, crafting offers, predicting how long a listing will take, and also forecast what the next few months are likely to look it.

When will the current trend reverse?

That's why we do these reports and stats!  It's usually impossible to predict more than 6 months.

However, I was able to identify the 2021-2022 home price insanity in June/July 2020 as well as the November  2022 - March 2023 home price drop in September 2022 (seriously, videos are still there you can go back and watch them if you want).

Are you cherry picking data?

No, I always operate from a position of honesty and integrity.  I originally started creating these reports so I could get THE FASTEST real estate data, the better to advise my clients.  These are the best numbers I can find, though I am always open to improvement.  No set of numbers is perfect.

Is now a good time to buy / sell a home?

The answer to that depends on You, not the market.  There are few times when it is NOT the right time to make a positive life improvement.   These numbers are here to mainly show you the obstacles you will face at any point in time.  

And there are ALWAYS obstacles, uncertainties, naysayers.  In 2013 people were calling any homebuyer stupid because 'prices can't keep going up, has to drop soon!'.  Yet here we are.

You seem to be saying Home prices keep going up!?

No, though that has been the overall trend since 2010ish.  We actually had a pretty significant price drop in late 2022 to very early 2023. 

We were able to help Buyers at that time negotiate $10k - $30k price reductions, tons of repairs, and multiple offers just wasn't something that was happening. 

That has changed, and indeed this will change, including another price pullback at some point in the future.  The problem is that may be 6 months, that may be 6 years from now.

I like your style and want you as my Realtor! How can I get started?

Best first step is usually to schedule a phone call here at the time that works best for you. That link also has our direct phone numbers and email addresses if you prefer that method.


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