Downsizing Your Home in Dayton Ohio

Home Buyer Guide

Downsizing Your home in dayton

Florida Land Scams aren’t ancient history… they are still very much with us (and for sale!) today.

For this Tale From the Closing Table, I show you a historic land scam in Polk County, Florida that is similar to many others found in the Sunshine State.

The 1900s were a heyday of conmen, opportunists, and outright fraud and deception when it comes to real estate in Florida. “Selling swampland in Florida” isn’t just a myth, it’s something that actually happened, by design, and continues to happen to this day!

You will learn some of the key identifiers of these sorts of vacant land lots, as well as typical outcomes and how best to dispose of them.

These can be summed up by the words of the developers themselves:



We aren't selling the people a subdivision...
We are selling them the *dream* of a subdivision.


Downsizing Reasons

The decision to downsize typically comes along with some life event, but it’s not entirely empty nesters!

These parcels were aggressively marketed to unsuspecting buyers, primarily from the northeast and midwest but many were in different countries.

In an era without modern online tools, the allure of a retirement or vacation destination in Florida proved irresistible.

However, the reality on the ground was vastly different.

Many of these lots were completely inaccessible due to the absence of any sort of roads or access easements!

To add insult to injury, many of these lots were also was low-lying swamp or wetlands, making it unsuitable for building.

  • Empty Nester

    Kids are grown, have left for college or are living and established on their own. House is a bit oversized for day to day living.

  • Retirement

    The time has come to live life how you've always imagined. You look forward to a more leisurely life, doing the activities you love without all the day to day headaches.

  • Divorce

    A major life change is in the works, and you now have a chance to reshape your living situation to fit your needs and preferences.

  • Other Life Change

    Sometimes in life both the expected or unexpected can occur. The sudden or expected passing of a loved one can eventually result in a desire to change your living situation.

  • Affordability

    The job market and economic forces can provide stress that results in a desire to downsize.

Gallery and Other Documents

Unfortunately, these developers didn’t let these problems get in the way of what they saw as a great opportunity.

This can be summed up with one quote from a developer to the county commission when they were called to task for selling lots in a community in an area that wasn’t able to support one:

“We aren’t selling the people a subdivision…
We are selling them the *dream* of a subdivision. “

These paper plots or paper subdivision can usually be identified by their extremely grid like lot lines, with absolutely 0 accommodation for roads, utilities, ponds, waterways, or anything else that makes a neighborhood actually liveable and useful.

They differ somewhat from failed subdivisions, which do at least have easements or accommodations for roads even if they are not cut. However utilities in these failed subdivisions can be problematic if they are not already in place.

Some of these paper / scam subdivisions do have some utility. River Ranch, for example is a bit of a hunting / camping retreat. But they are a bit unique with their setup. More common is for thousands of useless and valueless parcels to be gridded out next to each other, to sit that way for eternity.

What To Look For

Features and Amenetiesion
Community and Social Life
55+ or Regular Neighborhood?
Home Maintenace
Type of Home
Health Services

So why not put these parcels back together?




Relevant Links

Map Link
Link to GIS Map of Paper Subdivision in Polk County Save of
River Ranch Owner's Association


You Won't Find Your House

It’s a frequent feeling when downsizing…. “We just aren’t finding the house we like.”

It’s important to remember that there is no replacing your house.  

Not only is every home unique….  You have also spent years adjusting, modifying, upgrading, fixing, reconfiguring, and customizing it to fit your life and preferences.  

So since we’re not going to find “Our house just smaller”, it’s important to focus on a different set of criteria:

What 3 things about your current home are must haves in the next, and what 2 or 3 homes must the downsize home have for it to be a contender?

This is a perfect opportunity to hone the features you want to live with in this next chapter!

Space Requirements

Downsizing obviously means less space.

However, don’t estimate just how difficult it can be to adjust to even 500 less square feet, let alone 1000 or more, or losing a storage basement or attic!

Give your current home and storage needs a serious look.

Future Needs
Financial Implications
Legal Implications
55+ Visitors
55+ Resale

If you can sell these and pocket any money you are doing phenomenally well. If you break even or have no money out of pocket at closing that is usually the best case scenario. More typical though is owners just paying the low amount of property taxes for decades, and then these ending up in probate and handed down to heirs who then are also now very much in this same cycle.

Yes, I do realize people attempt to sell these for $7,000 – $20,000 on Zillow and, but people list things at absolutely crazy never going to get it prices all the time… just check out ebay and Facebook Marketplace!

If you look through actual completed sales you will see a grim picture indeed.

The swampland scams of Florida’s past serve as a cautionary tale for prospective land buyers. Do not take anything a seller says at face value and do your due dilligence.


Craft The Lifestyle You've Always Wanted
Purchase Investment Home With Proceeds
Rent Out Current Home

What once seemed like a dream investment has turned into a headache for many. Today, these subdivided lots stand as a testament to the loose ethics of both the past and today. For those who find themselves tangled in this web of deception, the best course of action may be to cut their losses and seek a way out.

If you suspect you may own a piece of Florida’s swampland history, it’s crucial to consult with experts in the field.

While it usually doesn’t usually make a lot of financial sense for me to sell these for you from a sheer numbers and commission perspective, I am always happy to take a look at your land and give you my honest assessment and give you some options.

Ready to get started?

If you have questions not answered here, or any concerns about the process of buying or selling your home, feel free to contact me via this contact for or schedule a phone call for a time that works for you.

Tales From the Closing Table Posts

Florida Land Scams

Tales From the Closing Table FLORIDA LAND SCAMS Florida Land Scams aren’t ancient history… they are still very much with us (and for sale!) today.

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Florida Land Scams

Tales From the Closing Table FLORIDA LAND SCAMS Florida Land Scams aren’t ancient history… they are still very much with us (and for sale!) today.

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Downsizing Your Home In The Dayton Area?


Feel like you have too much home?  Tired of maintaining hundreds or even thousands of square feet of living space that you don’t use?  Ready to retire and completely shift your life to one of leisure?


Considerations of Downsizing


Empty Nest


Budget and Affordability




What to Look For

Location — state / areas

Type of Dwelling

Features and Amenities

Community and Social Life

Home Maintenance

Health Services



You won’t find your house

Space Requirements

Future Needs

55+ Visitors


Legal and Financial Implications



Sell existing and buy investment

Rent out current home


Table of Contents

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If you have questions not answered here, or any concerns about the process of buying or selling your home, feel free to contact me via this contact for or schedule a phone call for a time that works for you.

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